Disclosure Information
20 September 2023
My Name Jeremy Thomas
My FSP Number 1001399
My Contact Details Address 74 Churchill Road, Cockle Bay, Auckland 2014
Phone 021 837 430
Email jeremy@jtservices.co.nz
I am a financial adviser and provide advice on behalf of JT KiwiSaver Services, who are licensed as a Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Markets Authority.
Both JT KiwiSaver Services and I, are registered on the financial service providers registry which can be viewed at: fsp-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz
Relevant history / Qualifications
I have been in the industry for over 20 years. I have completed the NZ Certificate in Financial Services Level 5. I’ve worked with KiwiSaver since 2008 and I’m passionate about KiwiSaver and good advice outcomes for clients.
My Services
I’ve made an active choice to only use Generate KiwiSaver Scheme, as after many years working alongside them, I can see the value received by many of my clients. This means that when I make my recommendation, it is limited to the best Fund choice for you, within the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme list of investment portfolios.
My service is limited to provide a generalised advice service for Generate KiwiSaver Scheme. This involves discussing what level of financial risk you are comfortable with and recommending a fund type that best matches your attitude toward risk and the length of time until you plan on accessing your funds (from conservative through to aggressive).
If you’d prefer a more comprehensive investment plan, I can refer you to another adviser who offers these services.
Fees and Commissions
If you choose to join Generate KiwiSaver Scheme, JT KiwiSaver Services can be paid of up to $300 (depending on the size of your contribution within the first 12 months) and although there is no cost to you, JT KiwiSaver Services will receive an amount equal to 0.25% per year of your account balance ongoing.
Ongoing Services
Additional fees can be charged if you have selected Ongoing Services, and you have an Ongoing Service – Appointment and Fee Authorisation Form in place with Generate. These fees may be up to 0.25% per annum of your account balance for KiwiSaver and they will be deducted from your Generate KiwiSaver Funds and paid to us as your Financial Adviser.
Example: $30,000 balance @ 0.25% p.a. = $75 per year
I Work For You
As a Financial Adviser, it is my duty to abide by the Code of Conduct for Financial Service Providers.
Although I am paid by the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme for the services I provide, it is you that I work for. To ensure I put your interests ahead of my own, I provide you with a digital copy of our discussion, that outlines your timeframes and investment risk profile.
To ensure that I have a robust and participatory KiwiSaver advice process, I’ve employed the services of The Adviser Platform to review clients and perform audits on a half yearly basis.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of my service, please tell me so that we can manage it through my internal complaint process.
If we are unable to address your concerns, you can contact my disputes resolution scheme, at no cost to you:
Scheme Financial Dispute Resolution Services Limited
Address Level 4, 142 Lambton Quay, P O Box 2272, Wellington 6011
Telephone Number 0508 337 337
Email Address complaints@fdrs.org.nz